Pokemon Solar Light & Lunar Dark Wiki

This page lists every Pokémon along with the hold items they can be found in the wild with.

Note that the items currently listed are not official and have not been agreed upon. This page is currently just a storage place for ideas about which hold items each Pokémon can have.

Species and Rates

Pokémon Always (100%) Common (50%) Uncommon (5%) Rare (1%)
001 Herovor Herovor - - - -
002 Forestone Forestone - - - -
003 Mountree Mountree - - - -
004 Purrlit Purrlit - - - -
005 Purryo Purryo - - - -
006 Flearoe Flearoe - - - -
007 Salatad Salatad - - - -
008 Salanip Salanip - - - -
009 Salaslam Salaslam - - - -
010 Hamstar Hamstar - - Oran Berry Oran Berry -
011 Snuffuzz Snuffuzz - - Oran Berry Oran Berry -
012 Budcheep Budcheep - - - -
013 Budcherp Budcherp - - - -
014 Budsoar Budsoar - - - -
015 Elecritter Elecritter - - - -
016 Weashock Weashock - - - -
017 Stickit Stickit - - - -
018 Stickut Stickut - - - -
019 Cheepip Cheepip - - - -
020 Aeroma Aeroma - - - -
021 Lavenseed Lavenseed - - Miracle Seed Miracle Seed -
022 Lavenbelle Lavenbelle - - Miracle Seed Miracle Seed -
023 Lavenrina Lavenrina - - Miracle Seed Miracle Seed -
024 Moonky Moonky - - - -
025 Lunape Lunape - - - -
026 Tadart Tadart - - - -
027 Dartoad Dartoad - - - -
028 Doveheart Doveheart - Pretty Wing Pretty Wing - -
029 Spidox Spidox - - - -
030 Widox Widox - - - -
031 Glowig Glowig - - - -
032 Glocoon Glocoon - - - -
033 Glowing Glowing - - - -
034 Stotox Stotox - - - -
035 Bouldox Bouldox - - - -
036 Crystox Crystox - - - -
037 Jumple Jumple - - - -
038 Casspring Casspring - - - -
039 Flowby Flowby - - - -
040 Nimblow Nimblow - - - -
041 Cirribus Cirribus - - - -
042 Pixwee Pixwee - - Silver Powder Silver Powder -
043 Pixilily Pixilily - - Silver Powder Silver Powder -
044 Ugling Ugling - - - -
045 Swellegant Swellegant - - - -
046 Angling Angling - - Heart Scale Heart Scale -
047 Angelish Angelish - - Heart Scale Heart Scale -
048 Angelight Angelight - - Heart Scale Heart Scale -
049 Rubball Rubball - - - -
050 Rubbunny Rubbunny - - - -
051 Aquad Aquad - - - -
052 Smaqua Smaqua - - - -
053 Vennap Vennap - - Big Root Big Root -
054 Monstrap Monstrap - - Big Root Big Root -
055 Lophug Lophug - - - -
056 Beopup Beopup - - - -
057 Werehide Werehide - - - -
058 Darcula Darcula - - - -
059 Taraterror Taraterror - - - -
060 Geckone Geckone - - - -
061 Toron Toron - - - -
062 Oriture Oriture - - - -
063 Natoron Natoron - - - -
064 Zuppy Zuppy - - - -
065 Rushot Rushot - - - -
066 Flawk Flawk - - Revive Revive -
067 Legenix Legenix Max Revive Max Revive - - -
068 Snazap Snazap - - Shed Shell Shed Shell -
069 Cobolta Cobolta - - Shed Shell Shed Shell -
070 Bushoo Bushoo - - - -
071 Bushup Bushup - - - -
072 Bushairy Bushairy - - - -
073 Platyplat Platyplat - - Light Clay Light Clay -
074 Platyplash Platyplash - - Light Clay Light Clay -
075 Terraz Terraz - - - -
076 Terravolt Terravolt - - - -
077 Dinomite Dinomite - - - -
078 Dinopion Dinopion - - - -
079 Formling Formling - - - -
080 Raizid Raizid - - - -
081 Raizodon Raizodon - - - -
082 Vambat Vambat - - - -
083 Dracubat Dracubat - - - -
084 Countula Countula - - - -
085 Golkid Golkid - - Hard Stone Hard Stone -
086 Golemo Golemo - - Hard Stone Hard Stone -
087 Golossus Golossus - - Hard Stone Hard Stone -
088 Buzzeed Buzzeed - - Absorb Bulb Absorb Bulb -
089 Ecobuzz Ecobuzz - - Absorb Bulb Absorb Bulb -
090 Signileaf Signileaf - - Absorb Bulb Absorb Bulb -
091 Pupool Pupool - - - -
092 Pooldog Pooldog - - - -
093 Peafan Peafan - - - -
094 Psyflock Psyflock - - - -
095 Phoxy Phoxy - - - -
096 Phoxiven Phoxiven - - - -
097 Paracaw Paracaw - - - -
098 Paraful Paraful - - - -
099 Parabow Parabow - - - -
100 Hummzing Hummzing - - Sharp Beak Sharp Beak -
100 Hummzap Hummzap - - Sharp Beak Sharp Beak -

by attributes AbilityEgg GroupType
Body StyleColorFootprintHeightWeight
by evolution Evolution family
No Evolution FamilyTwo-Stage FamilyThree-Stage FamilyBranch Evolution Family
by in-game stats Base Stats (TypeFully Evolved) • Catch RateEV Yield
Gender RatioHatch StepsWild Held ItemBase Friendship
by category StarterLegendary (TerradonTigacoreSearineTornadowlAetheraSolaranLunaroCellanceHealthiaPollusionGemmany) • FossilPseudo-Legendary
by development New MovesNew AbilitiesSprite Graveyard